Hamilton & Morrinsville Chiropractor
Dr Michael Hooker
Chiropractic Approach to Health
My first introduction to chiropractic was through a local chiropractors interest in sport performance. I sat and chatted with him about chiropractic and the chiropractic approach to health and performance. He explained that chiropractic worked to eliminate the interference to the body’s ability to heal itself and talked of the innate ability of the body to signal to us what we require to heal ourselves, often ignored by our conscious brain. What he explained fitted like a lock and key with my teachings in the exercise sciences and it was this feeling of perfect fit that started my journey into the holistic/biological approach to human health and performance.
20 Years Later!
At that time I was heavily involved in the exercise sciences and approaching health and performance from a movement perspective which I continued to follow heading to the USA to complete a Masters degree in Exercise Science and then returning to lecture and consult in that area. After several years I felt that I could have a greater impact on the lives of those I was working with if I became a chiropractor so some 20 years after my first introduction to chiropractic I resigned my position as head of the exercise science programme and began my chiropractic study at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic. After graduating I continued my passion by studying Applied Kinesiology with its emphasis on the three sides of the health triangle: emotional, biomechanical and biochemical. I passed my diplomate exam in 2015 becoming the only AK Diplomate in New Zealand and started teaching the certification course in 2016. I love integrating applied kinesiology into each patient visit.
The Key Philosophy at Health-Performance Chiropractic
The key philosophy that I adhere to in practice is that given the right environment physical, emotional and chemical the body is able to optimally adapt to the stresses of the environment it is in. It is the chiropractors role to remove any functional interference to the body’s ability to adapt positively and identify areas of the persons environment that is causing the body to operate below its potential.